
Saturday, 01 June 2024

EREGION + NEXUS OPERA @ Il Peocio 24/05/2024 [ITA] Report

event in the Il Peocio club in Trofarello (Turin) for the release party of the Turin band Eregion who presented live their third work entitled "Non omnis moriar" released on the Rockshots Records label which produces many national and international artists . The title of the album is inspired by Horace's Latin phrase in his "Odes" and literally translated, it means "Not everything dies". This album marks a significant milestone for metal band Eregion as they proudly release their new work, in which the sound can be summed up in three words: epic, melodic and powerful. These qualities resonate throughout the record demonstrating the band's growth and their unwavering commitment to their craft. Fans can expect an album that not only meets, but exceeds expectations, delivering inspired songs with excellent production quality. When it came to selecting songs for the album, Eregion focused on variety, presenting a mix of fast-paced songs, a slow ballad and some unique compositions that show their willingness to explore new musical territories. This approach ensures that there is something fresh and exciting for every listener. The band's lyrics draw from rich sources of inspiration, including historical events, particularly Viking lore and the fantasy worlds created by J.R.R. Tolkien. This blend of history and fantasy infuses their music with a unique narrative depth. In the lineup change the female voice disappeared and Eregion have been present for months now with a renewed lineup, welcoming Dario Fontana as singer and Davide "Gengis" Gianforte as bassist and on the evening of the release party the definitive entry of the band was announced violinist Katija Di Giulio bringing a renewed energy to the band's sound. I would like to highlight the perfection of Dario Fontana's vocal style which blends very well with the style of the band and the excellent understanding between the members themselves. Also noteworthy is the rhythm session of bassist Dave and drummer Andrea ”Blackhawk” Muscarello who play and convey an error-free sound. Eregion's concert opened with the track "Kingdon of Heaven" taken from the latest album, on stage the Turin band also presented themselves with keyboardist Luca Vinci who collaborated on the keyboard sounds in all their albums, but who he has never been to a concert, and this evening was the occasion. Followed by “Ride fotrh”, “Ascalon”, “The rival Kings” the latter sung on stage in support of Dario Fontana by Andrea “Mixy” Finotti of the Asti band Iron Jaws, and song after song to present the new album with interludes of songs taken from previous works. Closing their performance in front of fans sweating from jumping and dancing was the song "I Hel" taken from their previous work. The concert was opened by Nexus Opera, a Roman Power Metal group, founded in 2002 by Marco Giordanella and Alessandro Pinna both on guitars. The name of the band, according to the founders, is not taken from "The Rosy Crucifixion" by Henry Miller, but rather aims to be a work of connection, a link between the present (the band's music) and the past (history, the characters, the events that actually happened). Due to lineup problems the band disbanded, only to return to the scene in 2012. In 2014 they debuted with the album “Tales From WWII”, while in 2021 “La Guera Granda (The Great Call To Arms)” was released. These two albums tell stories about the two world wars transformed into songs. The Nexus Opera project is a musical bridge between past, present and future with harsh tales that serve both as memories for those who sacrificed their lives, and as a warning for the future. On vocals, the excellent Davide Aricò supported by the soprano Loretta Venditti who offers remarkable energy to the singing. To open their concert immediately after the intro here is "Trenches" taken from their latest work followed by songs taken from their two albums, including "The river" which for the occasion of the significant date of May 24th, is in fact spoken of the Piave river and the beginning of the First World War. Warmly welcomed by the public of Il Peocio, I expect to see them soon in Turin.
Saturday, 01 June 2024


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